Download Nest Thermostat Manual

Posted : admin On 26.05.2020
  1. Download Nest Thermostat Manual Instructions
  2. Download Nest Thermostat Manual Pdf

In most homes, installing a Google Nest thermostat is an easy DIY project that takes about 20-30 min. The Nest app’s step-by-step instructions make it easy to install and wire your thermostat. We now have the user manual in pdf format for the brand new Leica SL2, very recently released to anxious photographers. This camera is expensive but I’d love to have one! The SL2 is an update to the original Leica SL camera launched in 2015. How to Set Up or Program a Nest Thermostat Nest thermostat initial programming & setup procedures. After a Nest learning thermostat has been mounted to the wall and its wiring connections made, menus on the Nest thermostat will guide you through a sequence of Nest thermostat set-up steps in which you provide basic information that will allow the device to. Follow this link to download documents to help you install and get started using your Nest thermostat. Download Nest thermostat documents After your thermostat is installed you’ll need to answer some questions about your home. How to set up your thermostat. Nest Thermostat E. The Nest Thermostat E comes with a quick start card and you can view links on how to install and set up your thermostat below. 3rd generation Nest Thermostat. Installation Guide (24 pages, 0.5MB) Welcome Guide (2 pages, 0.6MB) Nest Stand: Installation Guide (21 pages, 0.5MB) 2nd generation Nest Thermostat.

  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about Nest Room Thermostats for Air Conditioners & Heating Systems or heat pumps: thermostat operation, wiring, adjustment & repair procedures

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Nest Heating & Cooling Thermostat Setup:

After a Nest learning thermostat has been mounted to the wall and its wiring connections made, menus on the Nest thermostat will guide you through a sequence of Nest thermostat set-up steps in which you provide basic information that will allow the device to work properly.

Using photographs and text we expand on the Nest learning thermostat installation guide to show you what the various Nest displays look-like and to explain on more detail what you need to do at each step in the Nest initialization pocess.

This article series provides detailed photographs and text describing how to how to install, make wiring connections, and then set-up a Nest Learning Thermostat, beginning with removing the old wall thermostat, labeling its wires, preparing the wall for the new thermostat, then installing the Nest Thermostat and getting it working nicely.

We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.

How to Set Up or Program & Initialize a Nest Thermostat

What Happens when the Nest Thermostat Power is First Turned On: Nest Software Update & Re-Start

When first powered-on after mounting and wiring, the Nest thermostat will then pass through a number of self-intializing steps. The Nest, now happily connected to the Internet, will check for and download any updates to its programming software. After the software has been updated the Nest will turn itself OFF, then back ON to reinitialize its programming.

[Click to enlarge any image]

Depending on the model and software level of your Nest thermostat, you may see displays such as those just above, or other Nest update displays such as the two shown below.

After the Nest has enjoyed visiting it's birth-home website to check for updates to its instructions it will re-start. You may see the display go black, then it will be illuminated again.

When the Nest programming is complete, rotating the outer bezel selects among major features and functions such as checking or setting time, main display or thermostat, setback or energy savings settings, etc, OR when you are in the process of setting a Nest parameter rotating the outer bezel chooses a function or setting that you then activate by pressing the display face inwards.

Programming Steps to Set Up & Initialize a Nest Thermostat

You will see a series of Nest thermostat setup choices and stages.

  1. Select your language.

In case it's not immediately obvious, you choose a menu choice by rotating the outer bezel of the Nest thermostat to highlight your selection, then as we illustrate below, to confirm your choice, press the center of the display to select your choice.

For exapmle, below I've dialed the nest outer ring to select the letter 'A' and I'm pressing the display face to select that choice - this step was in the course of entering the Internet router passcode for this thermostat - as you'll see in more detail just below.

  1. Connect to the internet: you'll select a wireless internet server (presumably your own), and then enter the router's password by rotating the bezel of the display and pressing its center to select numbers or letters
  1. Set your location - the Nest will suggest a City or you may need to enter it manually by setting a zip code or postal code. Setting the location allows Nest to consider the local weather forecast and to set the proper clock time. The Nest will suggest a city. If you say 'No' then you'll enter a country and postal code.

Since this thermostat was not located in Middletown NY (Nest's guess was close but not correct), we rotate the outer ring of the thermostat to select the 'No' option then press the center of the display to activate that choice. When you select 'No' Nest will allow you to select your continent, then your country [illustrated below]

then postal code [in process, with three digits entered, illustrated below].

Don't worry if you make a data entry error. At the end of any step you'll see a CHANGE option that will let you back up to correct a mistake.

  1. Describe the type of building in which the Nest thermostat is being installed: single family home, multi-family home, apartment/condo, or business.
  1. Select the type of 'Heating' or 'Cooling' system that the Nest thermostat is going to control. Here we're setting up a heating control and choosing among Forced Air, In-Floor Radiant heat, Radiators or 'More Info'.
    The home where this thermostat will be used is heated by a hydronic heating system: forced hot water sent through wall-mounted convectors. We chose RADIATORS as the closest option.

As you progress through the Nest thermostat programming steps you'll see that the display will let you know your progress among the steps.

Above: the check-marks tell us that we've successfully told the Nest thermostat our language, we've set up and successfully connected the thermostat to the internet via a local router and router password, we've told the Nest where the building is located, and we've described the type of heating system that's to be controlled by the thermostat. N
ext will be to tell the Nest some temperature preferences.

  1. Set temperature minimum or 'away' level. You'll see that we want the lowest temperature in this building to be set at 50 deg. F.

To understand thermostat set-back settings


More about setting back a thermostat and about freezeproofing a building can be read



  1. Allow the system to proceed through a system test to confirm that the thermostat can turn heating or cooling 'on' or 'off'

Below the Nest is letting us know how the test of its connection to the heating system is going.

[Click any image to see a larger, detailed version] The Nest informs us that it's testing the W1 wire that should turn on heat, and it asks us to confirm that the radiators are in fact getting warm. Below you can see the Nest thermostat's report of the results of its test that it could control the heating system.

[Click to enlarge any image] to see a larger, sharp-resolution image of the Nest self-test display. The two images below are taken from a Nest 2 learning thermostat installation.

Below: this is what you'll see when the Nest 3 Thermostat installation and programming are complete. The display shows the present temperature (71 deg F) and the set temperature - the temperature that you're asking-for (60 deg F).

Below: I have set the Nest thermostat to call for 69 degrees F in the room by rotating the silver outer ring of the Nest. And just below the thermostat itself, I'm using an Exergen infrared temperature scanner to compare the approximate temperature of the wall below the Nest thermostat to the Nest's own indication of the room temperature. They both agree that the room - in the area of the thermostat - was at 71 deg F

'The Nest Learning Thermostat' is an electronic device that can control room temperatures and possibly other components connected to or installed as part of a home automation system. We have installed three of these in our test building and will report further on ease of installation, programming, and use as well as using and adjusting the Nest thermostat remotely from your cellphone, computer, or tablet.

Separately at NEST CAM INSTALLATION & USE we describe installing and using Nest cams (security cameras) or drop cams for both home security monitoring and for remote monitoring of a building for leaks, loss of heat, water or ice damage, or for intrusion or security issues.

More about how to protect a building from freeze-damage is at WINTERIZE - HEAT ON PROCEDURE

Switch the Nest Thermostat to Cooling Mode

Question: can't switch Nest thermostat between heating & cooling

2019/11/19 Dennis said:

The nest stat does not bring on the fossil fuel furnace when the heat pump is set to shut off.

[Click to enlarte any image]

Shown here: Nest thermostat status on a smartphone app. Press the circled icon to change thermostat mode.

This Q&A were posted originally at our general



**IF** when your Nest thermostat was installed the thermostat wires that were connected included both heating and cooling systems, then your Nest TT can switch between those modes in two ways:

1. Manually, at the thermostat, press the Thermostat, then turn the dial to select cooling mode. I illustrate that just below.

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2. Remotely using the Nest thermostat control app; touch the 'heat' or 'cool' icon at the bottom left of the thermostat display screen to see the thermostat setting options.

If your thermostat is wired to control heating-only, then the only options that appear are 'HEAT' and 'OFF'.

If that's what you see (shown above intwo images) then your thermostat cannot control cooling mode and some wiring changes are needed.

Meanwhile, most-likely there is a second separate thermostat: one controlling heat and the other cooling. (That second case would be an odd installation for a heat pump set-up).

If your Nest thermostat is wired to control heating and cooling then when you press the icon at lower left on your app or dial to it on the nest themostat itself, the options you'll see are 'HEAT' 'COOL' and also 'HEAT-COOL' and 'OFF' as I show below.

By selecting among these icons on your Nest thermostat itself (dial and press) or on your smartphone app (press the icon), you can manually switch between HEAT and COOL - or - you can select HEAT-COOL and the thermostat itself will choose when it needs to change mode between heating and cooling.

Download Nest Thermostat Manual Instructions

If you think that your thermostat should be able to control both heating and cooling modes then let's check what wiring is connected.

Stepping through the thermostat set-up steps at the thermostat and that can also be reviewed beginning at NEST THERMOSTAT SET-UP & PROGRAMMING, you will find this display that shows the presence of both a 'heating' wire and a 'cooling' wire in your thermostat connections.

If you don't see both of those (as I show above then either the wire is not connected or it's broken or disconnected somhere in its route.

For heat pump set-ups that should be able to provid both heating and cooling, if the system won't switch into HEAT mode from COOL when it should or vice versa, and if the problem is not the thermostat or thermostat settings or wiring, then the problem is more-likely at the heat pump control-board or at the relay in the heat pump that switches between heating and cooling modes in the unit itself.


Continue reading at SET UP NEST ACCOUNT for the Nest learning thermostat, or select a topic from closely-related articles below, or see our complete INDEX to RELATED ARTICLES below.

Or see these

Related Articles

      • NEST THERMOSTAT WIRING INSTRUCTIONS for use with their Energy Kinetics 2000 MANAGER [PDF]
  • THERMOSTAT SETTING INSTRUCTIONS - Separate article - How to Set the Thermostat
  • THERMOSTAT TROUBLESHOOTING - Separate article: What to check if a thermostat is just not working
  • THERMOSTAT WIRE CONNECTIONS - how to wire up all types and brands of heating & cooling thermostats- how to wire up all types and brands of heating & cooling thermostats

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NEST THERMOSTAT SET-UP & PROGRAMMING at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.


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Technical Reviewers & References

  • [1] Proliphix Corporate Headquarters, 3 LAN Drive Suite #100, Westford, MA 01886 Phone: +1.978.692.3375 Toll Free (U.S.): 866-IP-LIVING (866.475.4846) Fax: +1.978.692.3378 - Sales: Marketing: Customer support: - quoting from the company's website:
    All Proliphix Network Thermostats come with our free Uniphy Remote Management Service. This unique offering lets you monitor and control your HVAC systems by simply pointing your Browser to our secure Proliphix Web Site. Enjoy the convenience of programming a thermostat from any location, using a simple graphical interface. No computer equipment or software is required. And since Proliphix takes care of the network configuration for you, you’ll be up and running in no time. We’ll even proactively monitor your thermostats and send you an immediate email or SMS message when an HVAC problem is detected.
  • [2] 'The Nest Learning Thermostat', Nest Thermostat, 900 Hansen WayPalo Alto, CA 94304, Tel: 855-4MY-NEST, Email:, website, retrieved 1/24/2013.
  • [3] Honeywell Controls, the company wants you to use their contact form at this web page:
    Honeywell Consumer Products, 39 Old Ridgebury Road Danbury, CT 06810-5110 - (203) 830-7800
    World Headquarters, Honeywell International Inc., 101 Columbia Road, Morristown, NJ 07962, Phone: (973) 455-2000, Fax: (973) 455-4807 1-800-328-5111
  • [3a] Honeywell Tradeline T87T Universal Thermostat Installation Instructions for the Trained Service Technician', Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Limited—Honeywell Limitée1985 Douglas Drive North 35 Dynamic DriveGolden Valley, MN 55422 Scarborough, Ontario M1V 4Z9, 60-0830—4 G.H. Rev. 8-02, retrieved 12/1/2013 Website:
  • [4] White Rodgers Thermostats and HVAC controls,
    Homeowner information:
    Contractor information:
    White Rodgers Product Catalog (don't misspell the company's name as White Rogers Thermostats) - - Thermostat Catalog
  • [5] Domestic Central Heating Wiring Systems and Controls, 2d Ed., Raymond Ward, Newnes, ISBN-10: 0750664363, ISBN-13: 978-0750664363, Quoting from
    This unique A-Z guide to central heating wiring systems provides a comprehensive reference manual for hundreds of items of heating and control equipment, making it an indispensable handbook for electricians and installers across the country. The book provides comprehensive coverage of wiring and technical specifications, and now includes increased coverage of combination boilers, recently developed control features and SEDBUK (Seasonal Efficiency of Domestic Boilers in the UK) boilers ratings, where known.
    In addition to providing concise details of nearly 500 different boilers fuelled by electric, gas, oil and solid fuel, and over 400 programmers and time switches, this invaluable resource also features numerous easy-to-understand wiring diagrams with notes on all definitive systems. Brief component descriptions are provided, along with updated contact and website details for most major manufacturers.
  • [6] 'Automatic Oil Burner Controls - Thermostats', Domestic and Commercial Oil Burners, 3rd Ed., Charles H. Burkhardt, McGraw Hill, 1969 (and later editions), ASIN B0000EG4Y8
  • Hunter Fan2500 Frisco Ave.Memphis, TN
  • [7] Fuel Oil & Oil Heating Magazine, 3621 Hill Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054, 973-331-9545
  • [8] Domestic and Commercial Oil Burners, Charles H. Burkhardt, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York 3rd Ed 1969.
  • [9] National Fuel Gas Code (Z223.1) $16.00 and National Fuel Gas Code Handbook (Z223.2) $47.00 American Gas Association (A.G.A.), 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209 also available from National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. Fundamentals of Gas Appliance Venting and Ventilation, 1985, American Gas Association Laboratories, Engineering Services Department. American Gas Association, 1515 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209. Catalog #XHO585. Reprinted 1989.
  • [10] The Steam Book, 1984, Training and Education Department, Fluid Handling Division, ITT [probably out of print, possibly available from several home inspection supply companies] Fuel Oil and Oil Heat Magazine, October 1990, offers an update,
  • [11] Principles of Steam Heating, $13.25 includes postage. Fuel oil & Oil Heat Magazine, 389 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, NJ 07004.
  • [12] The Lost Art of Steam Heating, Dan Holohan, 516-579-3046 FAX
  • Principles of Steam Heating, Dan Holohan, technical editor of Fuel Oil and Oil Heat magazine, 389 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, NJ 07004 ($12.+1.25 postage/handling).
  • [13] 'Residential Steam Heating Systems', Instructional Technologies Institute, Inc., 145 'D' Grassy Plain St., Bethel, CT 06801 800/227-1663 [home inspection training material] 1987
  • [14] 'Residential Hydronic (circulating hot water) Heating Systems', Instructional Technologies Institute, Inc., 145 'D' Grassy Plain St., Bethel, CT 06801 800/227-1663 [home inspection training material] 1987
  • [15] 'Warm Air Heating Systems'. Instructional Technologies Institute, Inc., 145 'D' Grassy Plain St., Bethel, CT 06801 800/227-1663 [home inspection training material] 1987
  • [16] Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Volume I, Heating Fundamentals,
  • [17] Boilers, Boiler Conversions, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23389-4 (v. 1) Volume II, Oil, Gas, and Coal Burners, Controls, Ducts, Piping, Valves, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23390-7 (v. 2) Volume III, Radiant Heating, Water Heaters, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, Air Cleaners, James E. Brumbaugh, ISBN 0-672-23383-5 (v. 3) or ISBN 0-672-23380-0 (set) Special Sales Director, Macmillan Publishing Co., 866 Third Ave., New York, NY 10022. Macmillan Publishing Co., NY
  • [18] Installation Guide for Residential Hydronic Heating Systems
  • [19] Installation Guide #200, The Hydronics Institute, 35 Russo Place, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
  • [20] The ABC's of Retention Head Oil Burners, National Association of Oil Heat Service Managers, TM 115, National Old Timers' Association of the Energy Industry, PO Box 168, Mineola, NY 11501. (Excellent tips on spotting problems on oil-fired heating equipment. Booklet.)
  • [21] Trane TCONT800 Series Touch Screen Programmable Comfort Control Ownes Guide, American Standard, Inc., Troup Highway, Tyler TX 75711, January 2005, Telephone: Customer Service: 1-877-3381, website:

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Publisher - Daniel Friedman

The Nest thermostat is the hottest new thing if you are thinking of going to a programmable thermostat. The Nest is beautiful, affordable and it learns from you. If you’re comfortable installing a light fixture, you can install a Nest yourself. There’s even a Nest Mobile app to connect to your thermostat from a smartphone! It is seriously cool. But how do you use the darn thing?

Nest Thermostat manual

You will find all of the user manual for the Nest Thermostat here including compatibility and troubleshooting guides – very useful to have should you ever need to troubleshoot your Nest.

Nest FAQ

What should I do if my Nest thermostat is showing an error code?

Your Nest thermostat will display an error code to alert you of a number of different situations. If you are seeing an error code on your Nest thermostat, click here to view Nest’s error codes and what they mean.

If I already have a Nest learning thermostat and a Vivint system, can I connect them?

Yes! In order to connect your Nest to your Vivint system, your SkyControl needs to be updated to the most recent firmware version. If you need to have your SkyControl updated, please contact one of our Smart Home Specialists. Once your SkyControl is fully up to date on firmware, click here to learn how to connect your Nest.

Where can I find more information and how-to articles about the Nest thermostat?

If you would like to learn more about your Nest thermostat, click here for detailed tutorials and additional information.

Will I ever need to change the battery in my Nest thermostat?

No! Your Nest thermostat uses the low voltage wires from your heating and cooling system to charge a built-in battery so you don’t have to worry about changing the battery periodically. Click here to learn about the Nest thermostat battery and what can happen if the battery does get low.

How big is the Nest?

Mass: 8.6 oz (243.7 g) – Diameter: 3.3 in (8.4 cm) – Height: 1.21 in (3.08 cm)

Is there a way to restart the learning process for my Nest Thermostat in order to learn a schedule?

Yes. You can choose to reset the schedule in the thermostat settings in the Nest app. This will restart the Nest’s schedule learning process.

If I change the password on my Nest account, do I need to reconnect the Nest Thermostat to the SkyControl Panel?

No. Password changes on the Nest account do not affect the Nest Thermostat’s connection to the SkyControl panel.